In this video I travel through the Thüringer Wald UNESCO Heritage Site, cross into Bavaria, make a new animal friend, and explore the city of Nürnberg. Stay tuned for the next video! Thanks for watching!
    Komoot Logs:

    Can someone with zero experience bike over 1,000 M across Europe to test this Theory we’ll bring in our usual test dummy howy folks ER here my goal is to make it from Frederick’s Haven Denmark all the way down to Munich Germany for October Fest the biggest party in the

    World so I borrowed an old mountain bike from my cousin in my parents hometown of HDE Sweden and began my training this is easily the most difficult yet rewarding adventure of my life so I hope you enjoy the ride in the last video I followed

    The Luna Haida Rod through mous and or F in today’s video I explore the Thuringer VA UNESCO heritage site before arriving in nurburg and taking a few days rest in the historic City enjoy all righty folks it’s another day in Germany partly cloudy much milder than the previous

    Week has been only about 70 right now even in the sun super nice for biking I must say I’ve done about 8 km out of ffor which is about there and and I’m coming along on this relatively nice cycleway I think actually it’s a Farm Road but nonetheless paved love that

    We’re going to be going uphill quite a lot today I think over 800 M so I’m really just going to grind it out I just passed over the bridge over the highway there and you can see this is the general direction we’re going today we’re finally seeing some real elevation there

    Not excited for that but I’m intrigued to get Gorge views and see if I can stand up to the difficulty level but first we’re heading into Rock House in here I’m going to do a little breakfast there probably and then we’ll be on our way just had a nice second breakfast here at

    This gazebo overlooking the route I’m going to be going in this way and then up towards that second layer I Believe by the end of the day here should be right around 800 m in elevation which is what like 2400 ft or so might as well get to it okay just

    Passed through the very small town of Neer villing now I came up this dirt path here and I got a bit of a downhill but you can see I’m skirting around this first still and then we have to make our way up to the top of that second one by

    The end of today I’ve done 32 colet and we have another 25 to go so going to keep strong and then think about about lunch in a bit only 133 km to go still plenty of uphill but I just passed under here you can see the uh highspeed train

    Which is really raised up here in this Valley which tells you one thing we’re going to be going up some more all right cycleways hanging in there we’re going up up up you can see down below here we are almost at the top of this pass right up here and then we’ll be

    Coming down a bit into the campsite my legs are screaming made it to the campsite there was a grocery store nearby so I hit it big going to enjoy and fill up for another big day tomorrow another nice day pretty chilly again here but I’ve got a lot of uphill that’s pounding

    Me so staying really hot and sweaty I got to keep going up this way for maybe another 100 MERS or so and then there will be a pass and I’ll get it downhill again buto only 5 km in and I’m bait got through the worst of it had to walk my

    Bike quite a ways but not an issue we’ve almost reached the top it’s gone from like 12% grade to 3 or 4 so I can hop on the bike no trouble you can see here at higher elevation in Germany Southern Germany there’s quite a bit of pine

    Trees again really gorgeous I love a good Pine Forest cool Cool Breeze today today let’s keep at it woo we made it to the top a bit of a view to the South there that is the general direction we’ll be heading maybe a little more this way but we’re in the Thuringer Val

    Area or near to it at least you can see there’s quite a bit of elevation there might have to go up and over that today we will See I’ve come up that Logging Road here you can see there’s an operation going on here there’s actually a paved Road a bit of a Crossroads lots of different directions there I’m actually going to get to take pavement back down baby super excited for that you can see we

    Came up off the map would be gross beckon Baker or whatever came down altfeld through I believe we are here and then we’re going to continue you further south but the majority of the hills end like right here and then it becomes lower elevation as you make your way down towards

    Nurburg so this is like the second highest point that I’ll be at today I believe and it will be the second highest point of the entire trip as well so last tough day today looking forward to being done with it but the nature here is absolutely gorgeous we’re

    Actually following along the rhin Ste for quite a while now which is super Cool here we are the center point we are heading this way all right you saw we passed through Maser or mberg another beautiful rig sign here I really like the way they design this just in the trees properly we continue this way just a tiny bit more uphill and then it’s

    Freaking down for ages super stoked about that ready to get some food in me soon toooo this area is absolutely beautiful by the way I love It I’ve been coming steep downhill now for a couple kilometers really enjoying it it’s nice when you’re in the sun pretty chilly a little bit chilly otherwise more signage here nothing too specific but cute little creek wanted to get a little break in my hand is literally getting tired just from clutching the

    Back brake anyhow really enjoying myself today especially now that it’s downhill going to take a quick pause it’s actually super cute maybe even put a little water wheel there not currently spinning I guess You’ need more flow but love to see That we just came up from the small town of saken Brun this up was pretty gnarly I forgot there was a couple more on the way but totally fine made it up there’s a nice marker here for the dry steak we have only about 3 4 km into the next

    Town this way looks like it’s downhill from here boys I’m really looking forward to getting some food in my belly I’m tired it’s like quite chilly out actually maybe like 64 cooler with the breeze so it’s hot going uphill start sweating like crazy but then actually get cold when I’m not doing anything

    Going back downhill but nonetheless forward we [Applause] Go [Applause] They really got a mouthful on this one not even going to try but I’ll show you you can see we’ve met up with the rail tunnel again Crossing underneath it just gigantic the lake itself is actually Behind These trees here you can see a little bit there but it’s a

    Big I think I have about 15 km into Coburg now basically all downhill I’ve been enjoying myself since my lunch it was a big boy lunch let’s keep going there you can see the water I believe it’s a reservoir so they use it for drinking water but that might be entirely Wrong quite buggy just turn the corner and we’re definitely in downtown shouldn’t be far to the hotel Now All right it’s morning now cerg is lovely I’m right down here in the Square cute little hotel more like an Airbnb but nonetheless I’m all packed up about to hit the road again 11.3 km in feeling good looks like it’s mostly a cycle way day today which is lovely and it’s like

    Predominantly downhill as well which is awesome great I was just peeping this here and you can see all of these trees that have been planted sort of donated by real different people in the community which is nice it’s providing me shade here today so thank you to all of

    Them lovely day today in Bavaria Keep The cheese and ham bagette are croissant always HP Notch and then they have like the hot dog in a bun deal sometimes with ketchup thae salad quick smoothie nice lunch today pretty nice view today only 750 oh my gosh I’m dying this cat just showed up and he

    Claimed a little shade spot here under my tent super friendly don’t know who he is but he can hang with me as long as he wants oh wow also look at my tan look at that but also this cat just lounging oh what’s that I’m a happy boy she’s decided this is a

    Good spot and Gone full lay I have a new friend today I love that beautiful sunrise view this Morning as you saw I had had some Brey at the gas station just around the corner here I have done about 9 km of 60 today this was Brighton goach I believe cute little town heading past Bamberg today further south on the route to nurburg real nice warm sunny day again

    Going to be sweating but let’s get to It All right got a nice big cycle away here it’s rolling well we are following the regnet river here for quite a while just made it through Bamberg going to be following this canal here for a long while here it is we’re crossing the bridge very wide Channel such a beautiful

    Day I’ve got the river just behind me here making a quick lunch as you can see we’re still following the regits it’s gotten even more and more glorious just following on this gravel path here right along it this is just a beautiful beautiful day super stoked there’s like no traffic to deal

    With just people on bikes lots of guten Morgans and Hollow a so happy right by the water as you can see much darker in the sky coming into the early afternoon here I had a really nice morning by the lake there at the campsite I can’t check in in Newberg

    Until 3: so I waited a bit before I left it’s about 2:00 now so I’m going to grab lunch on my way in only have uh 8 more km I’m here at BK just had a nice meal I have 6 km into nberg hostel it’s raining quite a lot just barely

    Underneath this umbrella probably just going to go for it made it into nerur just took a fresh shower living the dorm life again only about 30 bucks a night not too bad right in the city the head bus stop is right there second floor here not bad at all

    Just dry all my stuff off I ended up going about 10 kilometers in the rain not a big problem had my rain gear it went well I think I’m going to visit the castle here in the next few days and we’ll see what else I get up to stay Tuned N nberg is so rich with history and the region of Bavaria has such a unique charm I met many lovely people at the AO hostel here in town in the next video I finally make it to Munich enjoy The Madness of October Fest and decide to continue my journey West to salsburg if

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