So we’re finally off and hitting the Italian road with the bicycles! Well…almost. It was only about an hour of riding as Darin came down sick with a bad stomach bug a couple days prior and we opted to take the train. It’s been more of an “inconvenient bicycle adventure” thus far haha, BUT she’s better now and ready to roll (in the next video!). Stay tuned friends…stay tuned.

    ++Wait, what’s RaD?: Ryan And Darin (that’s us! yes…we both have boy names…is that weird?). Get it? …r And d…

    ++The Adventure: riding our bikes around a bunch of different places in this world for a year. woohoooo

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    Music By Epidemic Sound


    1. Satin Sick? I assume it will be the wild blackberries. Never way these without proper washing (from my own experience) 🙁

    2. I'm pausing this video to add this comment that I'm so impressed with all the content that you'd added, from the beginning of this trip through New Zealand and the West Coast and all the crud during Covid. I've share your videos with my daughter and we both agree that it's great to see women touring in a touring world dominated by men. Thank you! I was planning to do a 600 mile ride to Maine this summer and now I'm pretty darned sure I can do it – thanks to you guys. So very awesome!

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