Motorcycles are basically the coolest form of transport ever. If you can cruise around on two wheels, everyone knows you are a badass who lives for speed! And if you disagree, you’re a nark. But times are beginning to change when it comes to transport and questions are being asked about whether motorcycles are going to be an important part of our future or not. Well, the truth is that several amazing manufacturers are answering this question with an emphatic YES. From the vision of the next century by BMW to 2020’s finest electric motorbike, here’s the
    20 Most Futuristic Motorcycles You Will Ever See

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    1. That "landspeeder" BMW thing is a fucking joke.As a life long motorcycle mechanic and professional racer I can tell you turbo or not a 750cc boxer engine in a 550lb package will get humiliated by a 600cc sport bike.😂😂

    2. Theres NO future in wheels, you shouldnt even show them on display. Only hover bikes has a future, its about time mankind moves ahead as we are 150 years behind in evolution thanks to the power hungry elite who has halted it out of fear of losing their power….Hover bikes & cars is the future & electtric airplanes….

    3. Thank you for this info! This allowed me to see where I am in my empath journey. The 1st two questions I could say belonged to me, but the last one,I can say that I don't always choose me and that's gonna change!!

    4. Lmv 496 is a f-ing joke, here's a hypothetical situation, you are driving down the road and all the sudden you hit a pothole..and this damn vehicle is so f-ing low to the ground You're dead!!!…. America's roads are not all straight they're not all flat and nice….no they are not!!!!

    5. Lmv 496 is a f-ing joke, here's a hypothetical situation, you are driving down the road and all the sudden you hit a pothole..and this damn vehicle is so f-ing low to the ground You're dead!!!…. America's roads are not all straight they're not all flat and nice….no they are not!!!!

    6. Lmv 496 is a joke, here's a hypothetical situation, you are driving down the road and all the sudden you hit a pothole..and this damn vehicle is so low to the ground You're dead!!!…. America's roads are not all straight they're not all flat and nice….no they are not!!!!

    7. Lmv 496 is a joke, here's a hypothetical situation, you are driving down the road and all the sudden you hit a pothole..and this damn vehicle is so low to the ground You're dead!!!…. America's roads are not all straight they're not all flat and nice….no they are not!!!!

    8. Lmv 496 is a joke, here's a hypothetical situation, you are driving down the road and all the sudden you hit a pothole..and this damn vehicle is so low to the ground You're dead!!!…. America's roads are not all straight they're not all flat and nice….no they are not!!!!

    9. That rider on the no wheel jet bike probably ,that in it self if he got on you know he knows about that NOT FELT N E WHERE BUT HERE,azz watering orgasmic feeling I bet his boots were wet too

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