In part 2 of the Arctic East 700, we spend the final day cycling the 120km round trip following the Norwegian-Russian border to the Barent Sea. It’s a journey that took us by surprise. At certain points, you can nearly touch Russia as the road follows the river which divides the two countries. Would you ride this road? It’s one for the memory banks.

    Full details about the route can be found on our membership page at:

    Cycling to the edge of the Western World

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    1. Had Norway not introduced tuition fees for international students, I would have got at least one chance to meet the legend-Matthew. Feel so sad for my economic situation that I can't afford 250,000 NOK per year for abroad studies.

    2. I've come to expect wonderful videos from you, and I'm never disappointed! This was really interesting, and, as usual, beautifully filmed. More, please! Greetings from Devon.

    3. Another great video Matthew, I very much enjoy the humour that you use!
      I'd forgotten about that road, I missed the chance to 'explore' it last time I was up in the far(ish) north of Norway. Areas with forbidden zones and routes intrigue me very much and I'm always compelled to explore them.
      Not sure Rudolph 🦌 deserved that ending mind, think of the children at Christmas 🎅 …
      Excellent footage as usual, thanks very much for that 🚴‍♂️👍

    4. Hi Matthew, great video as always. The bikes are there from refugees crossing the border. The law says they can't travel by foot or motor vehicles BUT do not mention bikes. So they travel over on bikes given to them by the Russians who export their refugee costs.

    5. the bikes came from 2015? or round about. There were meny refugees coming through Russia, but first they weren't allows crossing by foot to seek asalym, therefore coming by bike. That time it was huge, but maybe that news didn't reach Oslo😁

    6. Can we please stop wit the Scary Russia narrative? Just FYI, Russia allows any foreigner in without limitation (unlike democratic EU), visa required. I dare you Matthew to visit Russia, cycling around Ladoga lake is a nice route.

    7. 😂 you had me there, where you stopped because you heard something in the bushes, you’re heart stopped, I stopped breathing that’s not better, luckely it was a reindeer 😊 Love you’re video’s 👋

    8. Grense Jakobselv – I was there on 1st September, passed King Oscar II Chapel and stayed one night directly at Barentssea. Unforgettable 😍

    9. This brings back so many memories. I was there back in 2004, my first long trip in my new Škoda Fabia. I didn't even remember until you said it here that the road wasn't paved all the way to Grense Jakobselv, but I do remember paddling in the river and being aware not to go over half way. There were no elk to be seen in the dense undergrowth on the other side that day though; nor Russian military, for that matter. But it was early July, the weather was nice, and we picniced on the beach.

      I really need to get back there. I miss that part of the world. I never got to go down the Øvre Pasvik road though; I so wanted to, but my travelling companion said "leave something for next time". That "next time" is yet to come. Oh I do hope they put the ferries back on from Newcastle again soon.

    10. On the west coast of Canada, the border between Canada and the USA is very similar to this. People ride along zero avenue in Canada where there is sometimes just a fence separating. During covid people would sit on ether side of the fence in lawn chairs and talk as crossing the border was not allowed during that time. But the border is monitored by cameras, motion detectors etc on telephone poles and if anyone tried to cross illegally you would have the Canadian or USA border patrol on your heals in minutes! The border is often referred to as the friendliest border.

    11. Well… it didn't have to be this way. NATO wants its regime change. We could have made friends but chose to make enemies instead. You could have been laughing and cycling with Russian cyclists, maybe a better future is ahead.

    12. Well, you proved me wrong. I predicted you wouldn't make a video about Grense Jakobselv. Not that scenic in the North Norway style, drones will draw unwanted military attention, and so on. But no, I was wrong. Congratulations, great video!

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