Hi, my name is Anna and, having sold my house in Liverpool, I decided to go on a solo cycling adventure with my Dawes Galaxy, camping along the way and trying to be as self reliant as possible.

    I would love for my travels will take me further into Europe and beyond, but I have a way to go yet! Where do you think I should travel to?



    1. Sorry you weren’t having the best of times,bloody weather 🌧️I always think tents are for when there’s been a disaster it’s b+b for me but I know that costs more🤣🤣I’ve only ever been to Bavaria which very beautiful looking forward to the next video cheers

    2. Which route are you doing? Most people going down that way use the Eurovelo 15? But this doesn't look like that route.

      I see you brought the weather with you from Scotland 😂

    3. Those campsites (RV "cities") happen in the US, too. People wanting to bring their HOUSES with them!! Jeez. That's not camping for me. Thanks for allll the vids, keep on keeping on! 🙂

    4. Maybe you could cycle down the Danube (called 'Donau' in Germany) to the Black Sea. It would be a long cycle. You should be able to pick it up somewhere to the south of Karlsruhe in the Black Forest, maybe in or around a place called Donaueschingen, although I don't know if there would be nice cycle tracks all the way like in Germany.

    5. Hi Anna, thanks for sharing. I can't speak for the Germans as I'm Irish by birth and Swiss by choice (for over 3 decades!), but I do own a Super Galaxy I bought new back in 1990! Normally we camp for three of four nights and then spend a night or two on the credit card. These places we book a couple of weeks a head, so we are flexible for a couple of days with a fixed point we need to be at after that time. Good luck with the Black Forest, this time of year should see and feel why they call it the Black Forest.

    6. What a surprise Anna! Germany! You are brave continuing to bikecamp at this time of year. I think you may find that in the off-season, campsites in Germany are either closed or devoid of campers. At the end of last September, I cycled (mostly) from the Netherlands to Bernkastel-Kues which is on the Mosel. It was a similarly very quiet experience with wet and cold weather thrown in. Most touring I have done in Germany, I have stayed at bike-friendly, inexpensive B&B type places.

      If you had taken a right at Koblenz (where the Kaiser was sitting on his horse by the Rhine) you would have enjoyed a lovely tour along the Mosel using similar radwegs all the way to France.

      Scotland towards the end of May or June may be best, though the midges are a big problem as 'summer' progresses. Then it is time for a midge net and a repellant of some kind in the evenings – folk say that Skin So Soft is an effective barrier to their bites.

      Sorry to say but since Brexit, roaming charges are pretty much the norm on UK mobile 'phones. I use Lebara which includes roaming in their monthly allowance. Perhaps you could pick up a German SIM card to use?

      Good luck with the rest of your tour and I hope the weather is a bit drier.

    7. Anna that was a surprise I thought you bought a new bike but how wrong I was 😂 your journey your on is amazing keep going girl ,as they say live for the day as tomorrow isn’t promised.✌️👍❤

    8. Anna. Gosh now in Germany. That was a surprise. You are experiencing what we all experience on these travels , good days and not so good days. Sun and rain and more rain. You have plenty of go which I find so inspirational. I do enjoy your very honest and personal narrative along the way
      Please please forgive me ( I may we’ll be on my own here) but I would rather not see as much speeded up film recording. Your filming is excellent and interesting and I would like to see more of it maybe at a slower pace. That’s just me but I do enjoy the freshness of your videos.
      Thank you for sharing them with us.
      Someone above mention the Danube. Did it with my wife about 16 yrs ago. Beautiful and well worth it.
      Safe pedalling Anna

    9. Great little video. You do a really nice job on the editing. Interesting to see this side of Germany. They do have very impressive cycle paths! Scary moment next to that motorway though when it looked like there was a huge obstruction in the way. 👍

    10. Quite an unusual video if I may say. I was relieved when you finally mentioned at minute 15:58 that you weren’t providing any location updates. I’ve lived on the Rhein and cycled up and down it for the last 14 years but could hardly recognize any of the generic landmarks caught in your video. Then all of a sudden you show a map of your location way in the south having filmed nothing of interest along the way. Sorry for being so critical, I know filming is a lot of work. I guess I was hoping for a little more. There is no German camping culture in the fall. People rent year long plots for their campers because they don’t have any other place to store them during the cold season. These people are generally retired and are more than happy just to visit their site now and then when the weather is warmer. Cycling takes a lot of mental strength not to mention maintaining a positive attitude while riding in the rain. I love cycling, looking for places to sleep and being out in the elements, so hat off and respect , keep up the good work! Toward the end you finally filmed some cities/landscapes. Black Forest, Hmm, I hope you like hills. Cheers, RK

    11. Best random click on YouTube in a long time. Great content, you have great energy and presence. Thanks for taking us on such a great journey!

      Best wishes

    12. I had just recently decided that I want to cycle in The Netherlands this year. Then your video came up on my YouTube page and inspired me even more to head out on my own foreign cycling adventure as a single woman! 😉

    13. I once to the train from where I live to Bazel and cycled back home to Rotterdam, but not in autumn. I do not like rain.In summer,no rain,sometimes a little hot.All the way along the Rhine,France, Germany, The Netherlands in nice sunny weather. Campingplaces were nice, sometimes I slept in the wild. This trip from you does not come over to me as a happy bicycle trip.

    14. hi Anna, just found you and subscribed. I like the soul searching in your videos. perhaps you might write the name of the campsites you stop at, it might be useful for people like me that often ride across Germany.
      about rock falling signs, you are meant to pay attention, look up and, perhaps, if you hear strange noises, just take cover or run for it.

      ciao from Venice, Italy

    15. Lovely video. Funny to see some of the regions I sometimes cycle (between Koblenz and Mannheim basically) in a video from a foreign youtuber 😁
      My thought in regards to the bad luck you are having with camp sites: there are camp sites that are more for tourists and don't have that many permanent campers ("Dauercamper"). But most of them are closed from around November to March.
      The permanent campers are a similar thing to alotments, so the Germans having their camper there want "peace and quiet and a garden gnome out front" and don't like the noise that tourists bring. So a lot of these caravan places don't even accept tents or have very little "regular" camping spaces. Hence the closed off atmosphere when arriving at the camp groud with all the bars – it's there to protect the alotment/permanent campers from break ins for example and it doesn't matter if it feels unwelcoming to the tourist because the main business comes from the permanent campers.

    16. Just caught up with your videos. Well done. Looking forward to your next installment. I would love to cycle the Rhine . Take care and enjoy your travels

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