Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 21: Weimar to Naumburg (Saale) (Germany). 52.9km [414vm). Still glorious sunshine. A relatively easy day in the scheme of things. Had time to make more stops (generally looking for food). Explored a number of the larger towns. Mainly followed the Ilm & Saale Rivers. You never know what is around the corner on a journey like this. We found ourselves on the Franz Liszt Promenade/Radweg. More broadacre agriculture with the occasional abandoned large building. Came across a new viaduct across a valley which was under construction. Stumbled across a couple of castles and an exclusive boarding school dating to 16thC. With a checkered history of elite students. Evening stroll around another very historic town with a UNESCO listed Cathedral. Another huge church on the Markt Square interestingly not open on Sunday evening. So good to see cycling is very much part of the culture of living in Germany. They have places to go and trails to connect them. In the towns & cities it is simply easier to cycle. In the land of Goethe “There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
    Day 21 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 11th June 2023.

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