Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Ðay 22: Naumburg to Leipzig (Germany). 54km (253vm). Another good ride, again mainly following rivers but with the usual odd very steep ups to either get up to a village or cutting out one of the meandering river loops. Followed an old railway line for a long section – still the old stone mileage markers and evidence of old station platforms. Lots of interesting sculptures, a stork nest with chick visible, wind turbines, expansive crops, lots of neat villages, then the impressive entry to Leipzig. On the outskirts – streets lined with grand old 5 storey apartment buildings. Trams sharing the roads. We were quite quickly down into the centre of the old town and at our Hotel. Very well positioned in the pedestrian only centre. Evening walk of exploring yet another beautiful old city. So much cultural history here and connections to many great classical musicians. Dinner at Auerbachs Keller. The two groups of figures, the double statue of Mephisto and Faust and the group of enchanted students by the sculptor Mathieu Molitor stand at the entrance. Auerbach’s cellar was rebuilt and expanded as part of the demolition of the medieval buildings above and the construction of the Mädler-Passage. Of course, we had to try the local speciality – wild boar, dumplings & sauerkraut. We have 2 nights here – tomorrow will be an exploring day and a rest from cycling.
    Day 22 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 12th June 2023.

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