Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 13: Tübingen to Stuttgart (Germany). 55km (441vm). Sunny & warm. Leaving Tübingen we mainly followed the Neckar River to Stuttgart, bar for a few hills where our route simply cut some corners. Reaching our final climb we had lovely views across incredibly productive farmlands – cycling next to crops of wheat, barley, spinach, lettuce, strawberries. Our final descent into the Stuttgart valley showed obviously a large city below us, but the wide fertile valley sides were a patchwork of production. Arriving at our Berg Hotel in good time, we changed the leg action and walked the 2plus km to the Mercedes Benz Museum. Wow factor – magnificent structure & layout with world history alongside history of the founders of the automobile industry.
    Day 13 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 31st May 2023.

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