Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 20: Waltershausen to Weimar (Germany). 66.6km (294vm). Today was certainly an easier day, flatter by far, gentle undulations of vast expanses of agricultural operations. Canola, peas, beets, corn, barley and a few infestations of poppies (they are pretty but must be a curse for the farmers). Cobbles and really serious cobbles – bone jarring. A new one on us was the road with 2 tracks of paving – surprisingly smooth – just had to stay on track. Our midway break stop was the bustling city of Erfurt. The capital of the State of Thuringia. Trams, pedestrians & cyclists all mixing it together. The Krämerbrücke bridge with medieval houses and shops stretching over the Gera River. Also associated with Martin Luther (father of the Protestant reformation) – was a monk here & ordained in the cathedral. Lots of pleasant cycle ways and small villages. Easy arrival into the heart of Weimar where we have the next 2 nights. Lots of interesting German history here and looks like a fun place to explore tomorrow.
    Day 20 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 9th June 2023.

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