1. This is a rather fetching piece of nostalgia, nicely put together in a coherent historical order. I'm watching it from the country in question. C'est vrai que cette course est devenue la plus mythiques de toutes. Jusqu'à il y a pas longtemps elle a su évoquer une nostalgie et une admiration. Aujourd'hui c'est devenu une machine à fric avec les vélos les plus moches imaginables. The bikes themselves were real beauties up until the late seventies, and then … they turned plain ugly. The old boys were good simple soldiers ; they had guts and courage. Today it's ugly, gruesome, atrocious featherweight carbon road monsters that make you want to turn away in disgust. Eddy Myrckx must be turning in his grave. I'll fully assume being a nostalgic twit – and proud of it! Thanks for posting. Nice one.

    2. aside from the obnoxious automobile sounds it was a great video. i am so jealous of those old bikes! my ex wife is from St Maur !

    3. I've got a 1959 Carlton resprayed in British Racing Green, came with a Williams chainset that had IIRC 58/46 rings, I had to replace and use a Stronglight 99 BIS which is perfect as I can fit a 28T inner so getting up the steep stuff is a doddle.

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