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    Carry on emitting today and hope at some future date huge carbon sucking technology will solve the problem. Yet we know carbon is killing today, and global emissions are still rising.

    Oil is more valuable than our culture, our heritage, our bodies. More valuable than the beautiful web of life on earth, more valuable than home.



    1. cyclist assaults complete and utter thick as fuck bastards For standing in the middle of the road thinking they are helping their in cause in any way shape or form. 🤔🤷😂

    2. These people are like the earth firsters when they decided that putting spikes into trees was a good way to stop old growth forest in Oregon. Until their actions caused the deaths and injuries of several loggers. They were held liable and Thier movement was destroyed. It set back the protections eventually provided for old growth in Oregon by several years. As soon as the individual(s) harmed by their actions can put a value on the elective losses and file class action suits against them they will stop. If you can prove somebody died because their actions prevented proper medical care they can be charged with negligent manslaughter.

    3. They are to young and stupid to realize what trouble they could get into. They are truly ignorant children. This type of protest should be banned because it hurts innocent people.

    4. I am glad to see all the negative comments. Hooray for the cyclist. These children are hurting the general public with their actions.
      The government doesn't need to cow row to this stupidity. The right to demonstrate does not include the right to harm others. Which is what your demonstrators are doing.

    5. To show your true stupidity your "demonstration" is causing everyone you slow down to burn more fuel than they would have otherwise. Their actions are actually causing MORE fossil fuel burning and MORE global warming. Good work you morons. You are so stupid you post this because you think people will feel sorry for you? You ARE morons! I bet there is a very large group of people who can afford the fine for punching the shit out of these twats will get together and do just that. And I'll bet they get a billion likes. I think we should start a go fund me page to help with the legal fees of anyone who wants to assault these jerks.

    6. Coercing someone to do something he doesn't want is violence. This group is violent.
      They even have already killed, by not letting an ambulance go.

    7. Brave lone cyclist does the police's job and attempts to remove a mob of idiots off the road.
      There fixed your title!

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