1. Bikers watch vid link. Maybe u learn smthing?
      I am th epicenter& king of kings of bicycle where I am is where u people will be. U humans rather.
      95% People NOT HUMANS they demons; computer hivemind/entire brain downloaded from Lucifer they're poisonous&. Controll all manufacture.
      Create false reality cause planets pond water2flip = evil becomes good/good become bad.
      Demons = nephilem spirits Satan puts in flesh bodies who think they human. It was these plasticine pharisees killed Jesus.
      Bike I ride = Sunn Charger S1. Hardly built2my specs but closest I could find 4 thprice.
      Bought on sale cuz idiocy wasnt subbing "cross country" bikes anymore.
      People getting dumber&dumber& dumber by thminute idiots dont sub engineering or perfection they hump hood ornaments based on passion& Harleys worst of thworst.
      Harley will ensure u wind up in a coffin faster then any other5 most wretched 2wheelers combined.p
      Sunn Charger = how road bike dirt bike bicycle or any 2wheeler should ever be built& look like.
      Everytime period.

      Nicolas Vouillaz 10 time world champion also rode same earlier (1999) model bike I have = 2013 Sunn Charger S1. Both bikes/all bikes now& eternally based on same wheelbase/ ergonomic triangle I taught every1 use 1984. (Pedal bars seat triangle)
      Gary Fisher: Only other person pioneered identical triangle with rear wheel tucked as far under hips as we could get it.
      My Ultralever with sliding infinite gears pedal however, is directly beneath hip bone& technology hasnt got there yet; &never will. Not in idiot Lucifers lifetime.
      You can also see SUNN frame &seat tube copies of my BEELINE ULTALEVER designed/sent 2all thcompanies 1990's.
      Shimano wanted my drivetrain pattented.
      My rear suspension parallelagram still vastly both lighter less cmplex better then any1 ever made 2this day.
      (I turned my Sunn in2 wrlds best EBike so Satan released inferior Sunn Charger EBike 2whitewash me lol dont buy it)

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