When it comes to getting around Toronto, knowing the rules is one thing —understanding the reality is another. Building off of our popular Road Rules workshop, we took some of the most ambiguous situations between road users as determined by our members and followers, and put them into video form.

    The Road Rules videos were generously supported by Toronto Hydro, The Echo Foundation, and Cycle Toronto Members.

    Make a charitable donation: https://www.cycleto.ca/donate
    More educational resources: https://www.cycleto.ca/cyclingresources


    1. Several sections on the Danforth and University Avenue have strategically placed bollards to guide the car and prevent it from cutting off corners of bicycle lanes.

    2. Been living in Montréal for 4 years so decided to visit toronto for 5 days and get around by rollerblading.
      My advice is: it's better to skitch the passenger window of a car in Toronto so the driver acknowledges your presence and you stop getting constantly passed by motor traffic.

      Also, right turn on red should be banned. Got almost hit crossing a street walking even though I was approaching from the left side of the car…

    3. This happens to me regularly in my small city . The driver of the car usually curses or gives me the finger after cutting me off. Some of the backward thinking folks living in the smaller cities think bicycle infrastructure is just a big city thing and don't want any good ideas especially from big city slickers .

    4. It’s so weird to me, how even decrepit cities in developing countries, are still able to budget for and build, dedicated bike lanes that have either bollards or concrete medians.

      In lieu of them; you’d think drivers would be able to overtake or merge through a bike lane safely, like they do on regular car lanes… This happens so frequently in my city despite reflectors and neon green lane designation.

    5. Roads were meant for walking, trolleys, cycling, trucks, cars

      Side-walk was created for slower traffic.

      Faster traffic on roads. Sloping gradient for corner of side-walks is good to have. Pedestrains away from corners are a good practice. Freestyle-BMX jump skills are good to practice. Bicycle Tire with and circumference to avoid drain-gutters, rims and tire profile of cars to up-down kerbside…

      Faster than car
      Slower than car
      Why same speed as car.? Why squeeze.? Why passive-aggressive.? Because your bike is expensive and your other car is german sports.?

    6. I just watched news that said ,what to do crossing at a crosswalk. It is simple. You are supposed to get off and walk it across. No need to change anything, learn the basic rules. You have never had the right to ride on through

    7. The other part of the rules is: when a non-bicycle vehicle is already commencing turning right, cyclists who are in the bike lane are supposed to pass on the left side of the non-bicycle vehicle turning right.

    8. Having cyclists on the road with cars has got to be the dumbest idea ever, how is that safer then having cyclists on the sidewalk? When cyclists are on a sidewalk and hit a pedestrian walking, both the pedestrian and cyclist are still alive, might get a little scratch or cut but that’s it, cyclists on the road with cars, good chance a car can hit or even run that person over and they could be dead, so again, how are cyclists on the road safer then on the sidewalk?. I’m actually surprised that the government hasn’t made all cyclists get plates for their bike and get insurance just like a car. I’m sure some cyclists think because they are on a bike that the rules of the road don’t apply to them, I’ve seen many times just in my area alone where some cyclists continue on through red lights, don’t ride single file like they are supposed to, don’t use hand signals, as if the driver is a mind reader and knows which way you are turning, it’s because of stupid shit like that is the reason why some cyclists are getting hit by cars and the person riding the bike try’s to blame the driver.

    9. As a full time bicyclist!?…. I've studied scenarios like this and prepared myself and learned to anticipate and so far!?….I'm still alive breathing and Im still in one piece!

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