A short 4k video of my London to Cork bicycle adventure, going through; Oxford, Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea, Fishguard, Rosslare Harbour and Waterford & Dungarvan .

    I cycled along the EuroVelo 1(EV1) route in Ireland and South Wales. And sustrans’ National Cycle Network route 4 in the UK, along the the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath. Both nice scenic routes. I also followed the Ridgeway bridleway on this bike ride for a short time for some off road cycling.

    I stayed in hostels & wild camped, but also went for some campsites along the journey.

    Any questions, I am happy to answer !

    Hope you enjoy the video. Cheers. Rob


    1. Wow, you really have the skill to show your story in pictures. Loved it especially some of those wild trails… and of course the little dog.

    2. looks like a great trip. I would love to ride some of those trails you were on. How much weight were you carrying? I usually carry around 75lbs when using panniers and have carried close to 200lbs with my trailer.

    3. Hi there. It's Léo from Cyclo-Camping International in France. I really liked your film. Would you like to drop me a line so we can talk about the big weekend cycle-touring film show in Paris? films.cci@gmail.com Thanks

    4. Hey Rob next time you are in Ireland head west to westport & cycle the The Great Western Greenway, brings you from Westport to achill island with amazing scenery & views 🙂

    5. thank you for wonderful video….if you recommend one of route for a stay 8-10days(around end od may to middle of June)  which I can start alone from London, which route can you recommend ?   I would like to wild camp camp site likes you I will appreciate your reply by return   best regards…

    6. I have the same bike, added a electric motor though and some larger 40c shwarby marathon plus tyres and holding together after 2000 miles last year. Great videos.

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