1. It's how I expected rural Poland to be and, despite some rough surfaces , I would enjoy riding there in summer. Thanks for this beaut video Erik.

    2. Great, well done ! I am planning to travel from Vienna to Tallinn, between May and June… following also the green velo route, but honestly I am a bit worried about the surfaces and cycle path conditions.

    3. Congratulations. It is so hard to travel alone. I don`t like big group, but I prefer to to ride with my good friend. Because he carries everything needed and unnecessary, but sometimes this "unnecessary" turns out to be necessary. And there is someone to talk to. Greetings from Poland.

    4. Thanks for your interesting video. 👍 What about the campinggrounds and shops? Did you have and problems to find a place to sleep or something to eat/drink? How long did it take for the whole green venlo? Thanks and greetings from Berlin. Frank

    5. Thanks for the video. When the pandemic is under control am planning a cycle trip in Poland.
      1. Did you do bike repairs yourself, or were there bike shops most places?
      2. In the northern part are there people with rooms for rent? ln Zakopane there were lots of rooms for rent.
      3. Were the paths better farther south, or just better weather?

    6. Thanks for an interesting video. The Green Velo trail is the first Polish long-distance cycling trail. It shows a lack of experience in marking out such trails and a too small budget allocated to the investment. Unfortunately, in many cases, the money was also badly spent, for example, kilometres of unnecessary barriers were built instead of decent pavement. It is worth taking the Velo Dunajec trail. It leads along the Dunajec river in southern Poland. It is really well prepared and the views are spectacular. Greetings from Poland.

    7. great video, just wondering which map app did you use to get around
      Poland? Did you have a paper map just in case? I plan on doing a similar
      trip this summer in 22'

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