1. If I’m riding when I should be at work then probably not as I don’t want them to know.

    If they are calling when I’m not at work then they can bugger off.

    TLDR: No.

  2. As an outside sales person who works from home a lot I can usually squeeze in a 90 minute ride from 11:45ish to 1:15ish. Whether I answer my phone or not is entirely based on who it is. Big account, I absolutely pull over and answer. Tiny account, no chance, I’ll call them back after lunchtime.

  3. Honestly, yes, as my company hasn’t called me once in the eighteen years I’ve worked there, so it’s probably important.

    Now, answering the 250 Slack messages? Absolutely not.

  4. Usually. Depends on who is calling. I’ll sometimes leave midday or late morning to grab a ride in if I overslept the early rides or need an escape. There’s a few people who could call I’d answer for.

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