Sarah from Didsbury uses an electric trike to get around, but struggles to access many routes due to barriers. Risk of antisocial behaviour, e.g. from people on motorbikes, is often the reason given for installing A-frames, tight chicanes and similar obstacles. Sarah says the barriers affect all sorts of people, not only those with a disability.

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  1. Feel Sarah's pain. Those A frames on the path alongside the Mersey have been a problem for me on my trike for as long as I can recall. I don't have a disability but it still makes what would otherwise be a good off road route between Stockport and Didsbury/Cheadle very difficult.

  2. Alot of barriers have been put in place because of people illegally and dangerously riding motorbikes on public access paths and lanes a consultation with disability groups is needed and solution found it's just needs someone with a brain to find a way forward .

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