Snagged a nature boy online, waiting for it to come in the mail and dreaming of how to deck out this bike. This bike is a replacement for my dream bike that got stolen. Looking to personalize and update this new to me nature boy. Will definitely be putting on drop bars, and maybe swapping out the wheels/rims for something nore modern. (Any suggestions??) As well as hopefully adding some aesthetic touches, I am thinking new tape and maybe even looking at colored cassettes? 💅
I believe this has pretty cheap brakes on right now and I am looking for something with more power for ripping on rainy Portland streets and bombing gravel occasionally. My stolen bike had the paul mini moto brakes which I loved, but I cant really afford to put those on immediately. Any recommendations for dope strong slightly more affordable rim brakes??
Never had a carbon fork before and Im excited to try the mixed materials. She will end up being my single speed town ripper/commuter primarily.
What else would you change as far as updating and upgrading parts? Thanks all!
by witchdrops