Checked out of my Airbnb apartment in Helsinki. Went to the ferry, got on there just in time. Arrived in Estonia after about 2 hours. Cycling to the city, I first entered a portal with a very old looking watch tower at the entrance and inside I was amazed by the old architecture of the city and that the city center was so well preserved from Middle Age times. Beautiful churches, streets (although a little stoney) and alleyways everywhere. Went to the post office to send the key from the airbnb in Finland back and then went to the supermarket where I found a lot of liquor, something you wouldn’t see in Finland. There was also a sushi bar, which I chose. Then I went to the hostel called Zinc Old Town Hostel, ate my sushi, went to my room and then went back into the city to do some more exploring. I walked on the city wall and then went back to the hostel. Estonia is a lot cheaper than Finland, gonna replace the tires on my bike here. At the end a little talk about Forever Living and some benefits I actually got from it.

    Thank you so much for watching!

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    Jeff Kaale – Chimes
    Jeff Kaale – Morning Tea
    Jeff Kaale – One for the good times #TravelingTice #Estonia


    1. Well Tallinn looks lovely. I've never been to Estonia but my experience of central Europe is that it contains many gems like that. It is full of stuff that is not as celebrated as it would be if it was in Western Europe, but it is just as good.

    2. Tice , you've got got a way to make us feel as if we re traveling with you , you have an ease getting us into it , your highs and lows , I still wonder how you know what to say and not sound like a complete goofball . Thanks again

    3. Tallinn Estonia latitude 59°, Seoul South Korea latitude 37°, but Tallinn seems to be much more warm. I live in Seoul, North area of city, It is really cold here. Already in December, three times were below minus -10 degrees celsius. Snowing was also the third times.

    4. Hi Tice, just wandering… This Schengen Visa thing (whoever is applicable)… don't you have to get your passport stamped? Being allowed to enter is one thing but Country to country across borders… is there no immigration check point, passport control?

    5. Tallinn's old medieval part is really beautiful. Of course there are very ugly areas as well, because the country was under Soviet rule for decades, but it's a really nice city all in all.

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