I just changed stems and I'm left with this small gap of steerer tube exposed. Will the same brand spacers be a sure fire fit? Or should I get one of the no name packs of various sizes on Amazon?

    by wareju


    1. It’s just a 1-1/8inch spacer, yes the various would be a good choice. Don’t overtorque it.

    2. Type of spacer isn’t that important – particularly above the stem. Once the preload is set and the bolts are tight then they’re not doing anything.

      I would get a single spacer about 5mm taller than that one – would just look nicer and it’s important that the spacers are a few mm taller than the top of the steerer tube so you can set the preload properly (which at the moment isn’t possible because the top cap isn’t pressing on the spacers).

      Your local bike shop will have something suitable.

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