1. Love these bikes. This was my first frame with track ends. Take the rear brake off, leave the front on. Practice slowing and stopping by just backpedaling. Your saddle looks a little low. Raise the seat incrementally as high as possible until your knees are completely straightened out at the bottom of your pedal stroke. Then work the saddle down around 10-15mm at a time until your knee is slightly bent and foot is level at the bottom of your stroke. Have fun

  2. LastZookeepergame619 on

    Saw a hot middle aged Asian lady riding by on a Masi a few months ago. Sometimes I drift off and still think abou…..

  3. the_skinnychef on

    This was my first fixed gear bike same color. Bought mine in 2008 for then to have it stolen in 2011🙁

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