1 Comment

    1. Keep applying penetrating oil to it for a week. Apply to both sides multiple times a day. Kroil or a 50/50 mix of acetone and ATF is best. Liquid wrench or PB Blaster are ok but the aforementioned are better options.

      After you’ve soaked it in penetrating oil, hit it with a hammer several times. The vibration will help break up some of the corrosion on the threads.

      Then, grab it with a pair of miniature vise grips and turn it. Vampliers also work wonderfully for extracting screws with broken heads. If it doesn’t move, don’t force it. Last thing you want to do is shear the rest of the screw off.

      Failing that, use an EZ out according to the directions, or drill through the bolt most of the way, and run an m5 tap through the threads.

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