1. Why are the Indo publishing stories that criminalise ordinary decent workers. Cyclist went out looking for trouble, particularly in the later part of clip.

    2. Cyclist had an issue with taxi parked in cycle lane then after first argument he cycles in the middle of the road (cycle lane not used which he cares so much about 30 seconds ago). Then that taxi driver is dangerous trying to block cyclist both should be fined.

    3. Lads get some bicycles and go for a cycle around with your loved ones in an urban area seeing as empathy is beyond reach
      Be good for u
      You would see a 7 kilo bicycle vs a 1.5t car differently and might save a few lives.
      Ya thats right, you wouldn't dare take your grandchild out cycling because you know what it is like

    4. Taxi drivers are the scum of the earth. Worst drivers on the road. I do deliveries at night in Dublin and it's like a demolition derby they are absolute morons.

    5. This is the result of years not building proper cycling infrastructure. The only cyclists left are idiot Captain Coconuts in ballet suits on a mission to save the planet pedaling the flames out their anus. Any Dutch cyclists would just wait or go around on the pavement. Who cares about the rules?

    6. Arrogant cyclist. The cab although badly positioned in the first instance, was no danger to the cyclist. Cyclists was arrogant. Result: driver gets arrogant further up the road and blocks bicycle.

    7. On second look I think this clown is cycling around trying to open doors on moving cars wtf ha taught we have to share the road yano it goes both ways

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