After getting this bike about a year ago as a single speed from the twin cities I have converted it to an internal 8 speed gravel bike for an easier commute in the hilly college town I live in. I’ve successfully turned a free bike into a ~$400 money sink. The bike had originally been thrown together enough to ride by the previous owner and eventually crashed (last pic is the starting point) and now it rides great.

It is an 80s motobecane mirage frame
700c wheels
47c gravel tires
Shimano nexus internal 8 hub
Wood chipper style bars
Amazon bar tape
Shimano levers and hoods
Micro shift bar end shifter
Shimano (mid reach) brake calipers front and rear
Vintage Swiss rear rack
Cheap replacement front forks from eBay
Kool stop brake pads
Charge spoon saddle

If anyone is familiar with Michigans upper peninsula or the Keweenaw and Michigan tech they will know the abundance of dirt roads and gravel trails, I’m excited to start riding a road bike frame again after a few months of commuting on my mtb. Over this winter I’ll strip it down to the frame and repaint the bike to make it look as good as it rides but for now it is the beater commuter. What do you guys think?

by Richard-9Iron-Long


  1. Head_Improvement5317 on

    Very nice! Looks great and love the tire clearance on that frame. How does it brake? And what color are you going to paint the frame?

  2. skinnypenis09 on

    8 speed IGH with friction shifter should be a crime tbh. They figured out indexed shifting for IGH like 100 years ago

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