1. > BLM announces 30-day public scoping period for a proposed environmental assessment that would analyze non-motorized mountain bike trails within the Moab Field Office to allow for Class 1 e-bike use.
      > The Moab Field Office includes over 190 miles of non-motorized mountain bike trails. The public scoping period will assist the field office in determining on which, if any, existing designated mountain bike trails Class 1 e-bikes should or should not be allowed. The scoping period begins Oct. 1 and will conclude Nov. 1.
      > The BLM strives to provide a variety of opportunities for all public land users, enhance trail accessibility and connectivity, and address the growing popularity of e-bikes on natural surface trails. Public scoping will aid the BLM in addressing these desires and specifically what trails would be most appropriate for Class 1 e-bike use.
      > A list of non-motorized mountain bike trails being considered can be found on the project planning page at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2034672/510.
      > For more information about e-bikes on public lands, visit the BLMs e-bike website.

    2. Ugh. Moab really needs more traffic on trails, particularly mixing motorized and non-motorized on singletrack (obvious /s).

    3. Bout time. Ebikes been legal here in Jefferson County colorado for 7 years now. Only ones still crying are the gatekeeper purists. No one has been run over or trails destroyed.

    4. In the bay area many of these evaluations did not go our way. The entire mid peninsula is no ebike.

    5. ADrenalinnjunky on

      No one listens to the no e-bike rules anyway. No one can tell who’s on an e-bike or not.

    6. Just did the whole enchilada last week.  I felt like the uphill at Burro Pass was a good weeding out step for folks who might not have the endurance to finish the entire thing without getting injured. I wonder if the number of rescues needed on the trail would increase with the use of ebikes and lowering the standard to participate.  It felt like I accomplished something significant after I finished that trail. 

    7. E-bikes are bicycles with motors. If only we had a name for that…. maybe motorcycle could catch on?

      Seriously, why are ebikers so desperate for a motor but also so insistent that they shouldn’t be treated like they have a motor?

    8. Professional_Ad_2598 on

      It’s laughable to think that ebikes aren’t gonna get more and more access. You can’t stop progress. Some riders just want technology frozen in time for some reason.
      They have to know that these bikes are great in an emergency.

    9. CetirusParibus on

      Some people enjoy cycling for pushing their body.
      Some people enjoy cycling to get around.
      Let people bike.

      As a general rule, don’t be a dumb/rude cyclist, regardless of bike.

    10. Personally I think a lot of this is the suron electric motorcycles being lumped in as an e-bike. They aren’t.

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