Had my very first trip ~2months ago, a simple overnighter, learned a lot from it.

    Then last week, during my work holiday chose to go for a longer trip. The EuroVelo 15, since its flat is very beginner friendly.

    Well it started to get somewhat cold here in germany and on all but one of my riding day it was raining and sometimes very windy!

    Today I called it quits since i got ill.

    Did ~ 405km / 250 miles in 5 days and 1 rest day of the total ~800km trip. Didnt start in the beginning bc it passes nearby anyway.

    Usually rode for 4-5:30hours doing between 70-100km.

    Now i feel a bit down since i had to give up but it was still enjoyable and i found a couple more improvements on my rig.

    And my first night was at a caravanning selling place and that was a fun experience being totally alone in my tent, locked in by the gate. Very cool owner of the business!

    Well anyway thats from me. Happy cycling everyone

    by Scolas3

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