Hi guys, I am entirely new to bike touring; I haven't done any touring yet. However I have a long, four-day weekend coming up in about a month, and I think the vintage touring bike I'm overhauling should be ready, and I should have all the gear I need to do a small tour by then.

    However, a wrench was kinda thrown in my plans when, a few weeks back, a stray Cat followed me home. I made the mistake of giving it bacon, and then she never left. So I have a cat now…

    Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone could give me tips and pointers on bike-touring with a cat? I know there's some youtubers who do it, such as Dean and Nala, but I haven't seen any "how-to" style videos that explain the logistics behind it. Like I imagine the actual cycling and especially camping part is pretty easy, the cat will have ample time to explore, play, and go to the bathroom outside. But what about staying in hostels, air BnB's, going to restaurants, museums, shopping, etc? Do you just bring that cat with you in a backpack and hope you don't get kicked out? Leave the cat outside on the bike? How do you ensure the cat doesn't pee in a rented room, do you literally have to bring a portable litter box or something?

    Also, are there any racks you could suggest that would mount in front of the handlebars that could serve as a cat's perch while riding?

    by gregn8r1

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