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How amazing is that? It must be preserved somehow surely. Maybe put some sort of roof on it.
Of course Lord Ali is gettting something in return , your being naive Kev, you dont give money for nothing, and defo for business related activites such as tax breaks, taxshelters, maybe investors, loans , who knows….. but his getting something out of it
Ethics and morality should be ruling. A politician that cannot and will not ask him or herself: “Should I be accepting this?”, is a real problem. No matter what the rules actually allow. There is propriety; and there is impropriety. Comparing this lot to those that acted even worse is not an acceptable argument. Were they not coming in to change politics and clean the house? Producing less stenchy rubbish is not cleaning house.
If I were investigating the £1700 that Rainer apparently paid to stay in Allii’s New York apartment, I would ascertain when she paid it and who she paid it to, was it before the story broke or after? What would the multi million dollar apartment cost to rent for five days
Love Kevin O’Sullivav!
Is there an ounce of charisma or integrity in the current front bench?