I inflated my tyres to my desired pressure the night before a long ride while it was 2°c outside. It was 22°c the next day when I was riding which caused a massive increase in tyre pressure.

    Initially i thought someone had fired a shotgun right next to me, but it turns out I’d encountered catastrophic sidewall failure 17km into a 57km ride. I checked the pressure on the surviving tyre, and it had increased from 4 bar to 5.5 bar, well in excess of the recommended max pressure.

    Please learn from my mistake and don’t inflate your tyres the night before riding if there’s going to be a large swing in temperature.

    by CaptainClay2606


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    2. Stop posting this garbage on every cycling sub. This isn’t a common mistake anyone needs to consider. This is just you over inflating your low quality tires. It absolutely didn’t happen because of the temperature change.

    3. PineappleLunchables on

      Yeah, something else happened. 4bar at 2C doesn’t increase to 5.5bar at 22C it goes to about 4.4 or the ideal gas law is wrong. I think you overfilled them by accident without realizing.

    4. Overinflation.

      4 bar is about twice the optimal pressure. If you had inflated to 2 bar that would not have happened. That was the mistake.

    5. Significant_Chip3775 on

      Even 4 bar is WAY too high for that tire width. You should never exceed 40 psi or 2.7 bar with that tire width.

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