I originally planned on going for a much, much longer tour, but maybe a 1/3 through, I was satisfied and found no reason to continue. Like my wanderlust was satiated and any further would just be more ass pain

    Did you stop your tour partway through? Were you satisfied regardless?

    by -transparency


    1. Haven’t done a real tour yet, just credit card touring. Even with credit card touring I changed my mind once. I was really hard on myself about it because my goal was to ride across the state of Florida from Tampa to Melbourne. Ate 15mph headwinds all day and settled in Kissimmee.

      Kudos to you OP for setting your ego aside and doing what you want to do!

    2. Sure ! It can feel wrong or hard to accept sometimes but it happened for me for tours with “open end” or no real destination. Nothing wrong with coming back home. Quite the opposite actually; It’s such a great feeling to come back home and feel satisfied !

      EDIT: also if I’m alone sometimes I love it and sometimes I just get loneley after a few days, but I see it as part of the callenge. Still great to come home to your friends.

    3. I’ve definitely changed my plans, ended up staying at a hotel Midway as opposed to making it all the way to my intended destination. Feels like a defeat but just have to roll with the punches and keep pedaling.

    4. OutlawsOfTheMarsh on

      2 weeks into a 2 month tour i got food poisoning and was just about ready to call it quits. Im glad i didnt. Hunkered down in a hotel for a couple days, then kept on going, to difference areas with different scenery to keep it fresh.

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