Well, folks we are nearly back now, and what a cracking trip it has been, the weather has been amazing except for an hour or 2 on the last couple of days but other than that there really wasn’t anything to complain about except the scorching heat haha we are British so have to complain about something.
    as always feel free to contact us
    by email at tins@tinsontour.com
    or by website and merchandise: tinsontour.com


    1. McDonald’s in France?? The French always say they have a great disdain for “fast” food however I always have a chuckle that the most queued up food place is the Pret next to our Paris office.

    2. Bloody hell. I'm thinking you've got a backlog of videos they way you're punting them out this week. 👍

      12:40 I lol'd, and then went back 5 seconds to watch it again 😂

      As ever, the banter between you two is just fantastic. It's not hard to see how you got to another anniversary ❤

      Oh, and a question: What comms do you two use? I'm looking at Cardo Edge at the moment, but not sure if that's too much or if having certain features may make it a little more future-proof.

      Edit: Onward to Cuba😜

    3. Grimbergen is lauded by certain beer drinkers in France, rather like Theakston's Old Peculiar in the UK (don't tell anyone, but I have two bottles brought over from the UK in my garage to celebrate the end of my diet). You learn to like it when it's the only beer available when visiting certain members of the family. You should have asked for "cent soixante quatre" (1664) which is more like gnat's pee-pee.
      If a town is busy in July & August, it's a holiday town. Otherwise it's closed as everyone's on holiday. 40% of France go on holiday in July and 60% in August and the half not on holiday does "sweet fanny adams" until everyone is back from holiday the last week of August (ish). Was it Thursday, 15th August? As that was a public holiday.
      Last time I came to the UK on the bike, I used the back roads. Yes, it took a couple of hours or so longer but it was way more interesting. Unless you need to be somewhere in a hurry in France (same for most countries), switch off Toll Roads and Motorways on the SatNag way, way better even in the rain.
      Instead of making the seat softer or getting a new seat, first try putting a coolcovers net on it (Google it).

    4. satans ruling you human slaves in this prison world feed on low vibrational energy = fear anger stress hatred pain suffering disease death therefore unless you stop worshipping & praying to the ruling satans disguised as god wild fires floods will not stop

    5. Cuba is a must!!! It’s so beautiful with beautiful people ! We went to the south east and we loved it. Havana is more the north west. Thanks for taking us on the tour 😊

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