I used to bike endlessly as a kid and now I’m 30, overweight, asthmatic and man it’s hard. Did 8.4 miles today.

    Upset that I ride so slow and can only do this low mileage but trying none the less.

    Also shifting gears mystifies me – I think I have it down and than mid ride everything is off and it takes so much of my energy

    by Nice-Solution-3740


    1. Your rides will be better and better FAST, just keep going! 🙂

      When I started like you after decades in my 30, I felt awful, but I soon noticed how my rides went better and better. Riding with a friend help a lot and in 10/15 good rides you’ll see results you can’t imagine now

      Plus: you’ll learn how to use shift like a second nature soon, just continue 🙂

    2. You’ve done the hard bit, getting out, rest will come, I’ve been in your position…5 years in, even now, I’m still learning gears/brakes, getting ready for incoming inclines/declines….but I love every minute!!

    3. It’s very hard to start! Good for you!

      The more you ride the easier it gets. The easier it gets, the more you want to ride.

      It’s a beautiful cycle.

    4. The first ride is the hardest, don’t get discouraged.

      As long as you keep riding regularly, it will get increasingly easier and more fun.

    5. newbarsfattertires on

      Very similar stats to my first couple rides after a 20ish year hiatus. I pretty quickly got up to a 14-15mph average for a 1-2hr ride…I’ve plateaued from there, and learned to be happy with it.

      I love riding so much now that I get crabby when I go a day or two without getting on my bike.

    6. californicating on

      I’ve said this on this forum before and it’s something I really stand behind:  a ride’s a motherfucker ride.  It’s better to ride slow than not ride.  Keep going, it will get better.

      Have you seen a doctor about the asthma though?

    7. thatsthejokememe on

      Keep at it man, I’m 5 years from learning at 35. Lots of humbling along the journey but now I’m pretty okay at bikes.

    8. ApprehensiveClub6028 on

      Don’t overdo it. Just be consistent and you’ll improve in no time. Also, it’s not a race, go at your own pace

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