1: 1200€ carbon, 2017, M
    2: 1200€ aluminium, 2017, M
    3: 1300€ carbon, 2015, M
    4: 1200€ aluminium, 2017, S

    Im right in between s and m. I like to send it hard(broke my current fork twice). The yari is alright and the fox too, i dont like 1 and 3 for their looks but i like the parts.

    Links(in order):

    by VaniPosts


    1. Fun-Description-9985 on

      Whatever is the newest one, because the geometry will be more capable, and it’s less likely to have been ragged to bits by the previous owner. 2015 is OLD for a second hand MTB

    2. Personally I would go for 1, just consider that it has no dropper post. If that bugs you, then definitely 2

    3. Find out about service history. If all the suspension and bearings need service, you’re looking at $500…

    4. Keep in mind that old X2 shock is a sort of liability. I believe the new versions are better but… Those things are known service liabilities that could be a real hassle and cost a fortune in yearly service.

      I’m actually kinda liking the YT but it’s kinda hard to compare as I personally wouldn’t want to run many of these bikes in terms of service/maintenance/usage/etc.

      but ya fwiw i’d go Capra of the 4 listed.

    5. 2017 range or the 2020 range + dropper if you ever ride out of the park. whichever is in better shape. definitely not the 2015. yt getting old too. that gen capra was not as good as the capra is now.

    6. Relevant_Squash4241 on

      My best advice is don’t have a budget. That way you could accomplish what you want and build the bike you want that you will always forever be happy with.

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