Those loud sharp cracks are coming from the cranks, I have had some issues in the past with the brake side crank coming loose and creaking but I made sure it's tight and it's still creaking. I watched a video about it but the guy was mainly talking about the chainring and drive train so I have no idea how to fix it.

    Creaky cranks
    byu/rkpds inbikewrench

    by rkpds


    1. Try a pop can shim first (around the axle). As odd as it sounds Krazy glue/Loctite banished my crank creak.

    2. The crank that came loose may now be damaged. You should remove and inspect it.

      Try swapping out the pedals and check the saddle and seatpost clamps.

    3. You made sure it’s tight with what? My story was the same, the crank getting loose until I bought a proper torque wrench. If this is a square bracket it usually takes about 40Nm. I’m always surprised when I replace it and torque it down how much it force it takes.

      Plus, as others mentioned, the crank coming loose on a square bracket usually ends up damaging the crank if you are unlucky, which means it will never be properly fitting again.

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