Can someone tell me what kind of bike pedals to buy? Off amazon would be great as I’ve been out three times this week shopping already and I’m over it- from one tired mom who doesn’t know anything about bikes

    by A-little-lost-here


    1. All pedals have the same 9/16” thread, buy whatever you want. Try some penetrating oil on the rusted axle spindle, getting those old pedals off might not be easy.

      The type of pedal you want is called a platform pedal.

      Also, the right pedal is a standard right-hand thread, turn the wrench to the left (counter-clockwise) to loosen.

      The left pedal is reverse-threaded, turn the wrench to the right (clockwise) to loosen.

    2. Nearly every pedal ever should fit, its one of the few truly universal bike parts*.

      Did you go shopping 3 times for pedals?

      *Pedals for stationary bikes might be different but it would be odd to find one unless you specifically searched for one.

    3. Just take it to a shop. Flat pedals should be no more than $20 with minimal labor charged to install them.

      I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you don’t own a pedal wrench or the knowledge ( righty /tighty only works on one side ) or grease so a bike shop is going to be your best bet. I’d recommend metal flats as opposed to the plastic resin ones that you have there.

      Good luck mom

    4. What you have pictured is the pedal.. well, what remains of it. You’ll have to remove that with a pedal wrench. Remember that when using a pedal wrench, the drive side is normal thread (lefty loosey) and non-drive side is reversed for the pedals (so, right/clockwise to loosen the other side). If the new pedals use an Allen key instead of a pedal wrench it’s a bit confusing because you are changing your orientation and the directions get reversed.

      As far as cheap-ish pedals that are reliable, RaceFace Chester. Anything Wellgo is reliable.

      (edit to add) and since you need a tool, I’d just go to a dedicated bike shop if you have one around.

    5. Go into a bike shop and ask for a set of pedals. They will likely give you a range of options varying in price.

      Important note the non driveside pedal (left pedal when looking down while standing over the bike) is reverse thread (lefty righty) while the driveside pedal is a your normal righty tighty

      Alternatively bring the bike and most shops won’t bat an eye at putting on pedals on the spot as long as it isn’t super busy.

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