Hey guys. I’m planning on doing a trip of 1000km. I currently have a Mountain bike with 24 gears which is in great condition. I’ll upload a photo of the bike. Does anyone think this is a suitable bike to do such a long trip on, or should I switch it out for a touring bike ?

    by Strict-Virus7250


    1. shortnamecycling on

      Wrong question.

      Correct questions to ask:

      Are you comfortable on this bike for the hours/distance you plan to ride per day?

      Is the bike appropriate for the surfaces (paved road, gravel paths, single track) you’ll be riding on?

      Can the bike carry everything that you want to bring along?

    2. if you don’t dramatically exceed max system weight for this bike, if it’s not a crazy offroad expedition, if it’s comfortable and in a good technical condition – of cause it’ll do 1000km. 1000km is nothing. It’s equal to like 2 month of a daily commute (with panniers) for some people.

    3. It looks fine. Add a good tail light (important for daytime riding on roads), fenders and bags and hit the road. Folks obsess over bikes. Just go ride, it’ll be fine.

    4. If you don’t know the answer to that question, do not spend your money on a touring bike. Wait until you know what you like and dislike about using this bike for touring. That way you will make far better spending decisions.

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