Scored for $10 because I kept letting on I really didn’t want it.

    by MartianCaveman


    1. Time to strip her down and grease everything. Based on the condition of the tires, cables, and chain it needs some love

    2. You don’t want to clamp that top tube. The walls on the tubing used for those old cannondales were barely thicker than soda cans.

    3. Active-Bass4745 on

      Wow, I’ve never seen a bike so neglected that the cable housing was rusting through the casing. 😳

    4. Put tiagra 4700 on there with some downtube adapters. Find cheap mavics on OfferUp/marketplace and you might have one of your favorite tourers

    5. $10? That’s a nice catch, and one that can easily be fixed up for a relatively small amount, plus some elbow grease. If you don’t already know how to work on it, this would be an ideal candidate on which to learn.

    6. You will hate this seat <g> Buy a modern one.

      Are these old school tubular tires? Kind of looks that way, or could be the bike sat on a flat spot for years. If they are tubular tires (glued on) you might want to rethink the build.

      The cantilever brakes of this era were pretty crap even when new. The brake pads will be all dried up and too hard to be effective. A modern set from Kool Stop is your best bet.

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