I am trying to get New Life in my dads old race bike. Now both my free weel removers dont fit the casset. Can you help me wich one i need to get.
    Bike is from patria wkc. Model probably a CR -MO (only writing that could indicate a Model i Fond). Probably baught in mid 1990s.
    Last picture is a free weel remover i found with randome googeling around. Would it fit?

    by running_joke1


    1. It’s hard to see because of the grime, but it’s possible to make out that this is an Atom freewheel, an obsolete French brand. You need a freewheel tool with 20 splines such as the Park FR-4. The tool you’ve found is for Shimano freewheels – it will work for most modern freewheels, but not yours.

      “CR-MO” is not a model – it’s just an abbreviation for chromium-molybdenum, a type of steel alloy.

    2. You have to remove that nut in order to get the tool on. I also think that tool is for a bb and not the freewheel. Take it into a bike shop and have them remove it. If you buy that tool, you’ll only use it maybe once. Waste of money unless you’re a bike mechanic

    3. Impressive-Fish664 on

      The freewheel has Made in France stamped into the bearing shield so it likely an Atom type tool that you need. There are two kinds of French splined removal tools so the Park version may not fit. No company has produced the less popular version in over 30 years. The splines appear similar to a more common Shimano type tool but are not the same diameter. The wrong French tool will seem to fit but will likely strip out due the force needed to remove an old freewheel. An older bike shop might have that tool or they maybe they could disassemble the freewheel and just remove the core that is threaded on the hub. The freewheel will be junk but I assume your intention is to put a single speed freewheel on track cog on it.

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