As an update on my previous post. The bike has arrived today. To my big surprise the weldings are all smooth. I was expecting that the weldings would be visible and that i could ask for a coupon on their website after sending a complaint. No complaints here as the bike looks super clean. Definitely happy with that.

    But now the question: what does RAW mean?

    by excessmax


    1. It looks like random as of now. I’ve seen people ordering the “non RAW” version and getting raw welds, and you ordering the “RAW” version and getting smooth welds.

    2. Neat_Cauliflower7971 on

      So odd. Which country are you in?

      Even stranger to me is that the RAW version costs more?

    3. Ordered the Grizl in RAW and got it with visible welds. But I think especially for a gravel bike it looks really nice

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