1. Foreign-Trifle1865 on

      Wow!! How did you maintain such a high speed with that elevation gain?

      I was proud of myself last week doing 110 miles in 8 hours with 2,000 feet of elevation gain.

    2. Yesterday I had a century number 16 of the year planned and I decided to see if I can go a bit longer. So I rode from where I was staying to the start and back. On the way there I found someone to ride with, and on the way back I was solo. For the ride itself, I was with a fast group of 8 and we worked together to keep the pace high.
      I felt pretty strong throughout the ride until the last 5 miles or so when my power started fading.
      Previously, my longest ride was 125 miles and it was almost a year ago.
      Last week, I did the Maryland Gran Fondo which has nearly 11,000ft of climbing, so this felt flat in comparison.

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