I have a Grail in size S and had to adjust the saddle to 1.1, i.e. almost all the way down.
    Everything actually fits quite well, I had slight neck pain after just under 50 km yesterday.

    Does the position of the bike fit or should I adjust the angle or pull the saddle forward a little more?

    by Rxbinz


    1. Impossible to say from this angle. We need a picture from the exact side, ideally while the bike is in a trainer.

    2. If your saddle is bottomed out and your arms are that extended, I would say the bike is too big for you.

      A profile pic of you in the bike would help a little more

    3. This looks a bit unnatural. Your back is rounded off, your pelvis is bolt upright, and there’s a bunch of spacers at the head tube. You look reasonably fit. With the right bike fit you should be “low and long” with a straight back.

      that said this type of pic doesn’t give a lot to go on. Bit, when ever you are bottomed out on the seat and have a chimney stack of spacers, something is up. It’s not how the bike was intended to be ridden.

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