I have a previous gen Trek Allant 7S ebike. After about 1.5K miles noticed loss of breaking power in rear break. Took break pads off and noticed that they wear unevenly, "outer" side of the pad not worn at all, which I assume is causing loss of breaking power ("unworn" sides are touching and not letting "worn" side to engage with rotor).

    Does it look like break is installed incorrectly? What would be the right way to fix it?

    It's break which came with the bike (although not the part listed on the website, it should be Shimano, for some reason they installed something else).

    I asked Trek store which sold it, they say it was like this on all Allant ebikes, and the only correct solution they offer is to replace entire break system with Shimano which was supposed to be there at the first place.

    by Fluid-Tone-9680


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