Anyone know who has right of way at this road and official bike lane intersection here in Mascot, Sydney, Australia? Looks like cyclists do to me but others disagree. I am interested in both knowledge and opinions.

    by Narrow-Economist-795


    1. Heavy sarcasm. I like it.

      Of course the bikes do. Maybe if they add a third stop sign, the cars will stop. Seriously though, is that road one lane? Stop signs on both sides is tripping me out.

    2. Bikes because the other traffic is facing a STOP sign. Hands down. But discontinuing the green bike lane is highly confusing and dangerous in this situation because it doesn’t provide a visual warning to motorists that they are about to cross a bike lane and reinforce that they need to stop prior to reaching it.

    3. Onii-Chan_Itaii on

      Stop sign means stop. Anyone who disagrees is flat out wrong and should be stripped of their license.

    4. Comfortable-Fly5797 on

      Bikes obviously. I’m curious, is there something to the left blocking people from seeing oncoming traffic or are people just that terrible of drivers?

    5. Huge-Assignment-3786 on

      Well the one that has a stop sign must yield to oncoming traffic which is the lane that doesn’t have a stop sign otherwise they would take turns going. But cars always belive they have the right away no matter what the laws.

    6. I don’t disagree with the replies however one thing that people are not picking up and what pisses me off about how Sydney councils mark bike paths, see the left hand side of the bike lane in the 1st picture, it has a give way line across it which creates confusion or maybe that’s just bike lane ends line (though that should be a solid line across)? They do this a lot when a bike path crosses a side street and it creates a lot of confusion when the cars do not have a stop sign.

      Also, why end the bike path to start it again? Confusing again, why not run the bike path across the intersection?

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