I'm debating on selling one or both of my BMX bikes, I'm not that great of a rider, I just go to Ray's MTB park rarely and do some of the stuff there and it's super fun don't get me wrong, I'm just a beginner at tricks, I'd say I'm pretty good at wheelies, and I can also bunny hop and hit jumps decent, just I don't hit big ones that much. I want to save for a surron because I miss my dirt bike but the neighbors would complain about the noise from going up and down our side yard and call the cops. And I wanted to use the woods at the end of my road for some jumps and trails for my BMX but it didn't work out in the end. I just need to know what I should price them at if I were to sell them. Specs on last slide. I no longer have the bike bag, and all I did was spray paint the gooseneck bolts red to match the chain, old pictures btw, the Fitbike doesn't have brakes anymore

    by FNlvrk


    1. The Fitbike was $400 and I got the GT for $150 but all the extra parts and everything else on it it’s worth like $700

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