1. It’s kinda a lot of stuff. If I were you I’d get a frame bag and maybe a front rack. Move some of the stuff so it isn’t all piled on your back wheel.

    2. three_seconds_ago on

      Your biggest problem will be high center of gravity and high bulk in case of wind.

      Might be too late, but it’s always a smart idea to do a shorter overnighter to figure out what you need and what works for you in terms of placement. 3000km trip to figured this out is an undertaking that may affect your almost two months of life.

    3. pursuingmountains on

      That seems like a lot. I biked 4000K across Europe in about 75 days with camping equipment, 20 pounds of camera gear such as a tripod, drone, full frame camera with 2 lenses, GoPros, etc., and I had less stuff than this or at least it was better distributed

    4. Never enough stuff as long as you’re mobile! What back rack are you using? This is the best Ad for it. Easily 50 pounds in the back!

      Asking about the bike rack because I’m in the market for one currently, thanks in advance!!

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