Cyclist rescues driver from burning car. Driver lost control while attempting a punishment pass.

    by MatJosher


    1. I’m not sure I would be willing to put myself in danger for someone who just decided to put my life at risk. I would call 911. Maybe.

    2. I’m just surprised it’s not a pickup on fire. Always seem like it’s a d-bag in an oversized pickup / SUV doing this.

    3. IndustryNext7456 on

      Saved him so he can do it again. If you’rw this much of a cunt, a near-death experience will not change your mind

    4. Yesterday, some moron kids tried (successfully 🥲) to scare me by clapping right as I passed them.

      This affects me to an undescribable degree.

    5. GreedyDiamond9597 on

      Most cyclistsbehave like they own the road. Refuse to be on the cycling path that runs parallel to the road or ride across the zebra crossing at whatever speed. I know that car drivers are often unfair. Cyclists are also guilty very often.

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