Picked up a bike last February/march, and rode casually and mostly solo until September. Had a series of NSTEMI, followed by a big ole’ STEMI (99% blocked LAD). Had an emergency stent placement and 4 months of recovery. Decided I didn’t want to work so much, so I carved up my schedule to make more time for riding and started showing up to local group rides. I’m up about 100 watts on my ftp from last summer, and landed on a podium in the foothills of North Carolina this weekend.

    It may not be much, but it’s honest work 🫡.

    by DBMS_LAH


    1. CruisinRightBayou on

      Man, isn’t life crazy!? Congrats on the accomplishment and continuing to press on! Overcoming such a touch obstacle in both regards is impressive. Life well lived my friend.

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