I only just started biking a year ago, and I’ve been using the wd40 lube and degreaser you can find at stores like Walmart and target, just wondering if it is worth it or if anyone has any other recommendations for lube / degreaser

    by NBr33zii


    1. If you use it correctly I’m sure it works just fine. Your local bike shop might have some other options if you want something better but if the WD-40 is working for you, keep using it.

      The stuff from bike brands like Muc-Off, Finish Line, Silca, etc. is popular but obviously a lot of that is because of marketing.

    2. hispanicausinpanic on

      I’ve used the chain lube. I put a rag under the chain while I sprayed it so it wouldn’t go everywhere else.

    3. Degreaser is degreaser. Chuck it in a bottle, shake weight away until it’s clean.

      Lube, I will leave that to others as I wax. But it is created for bikes so it should work.

    4. I just started using the wd40 dry chain lube, the drip kind not the spray. Seems to work well so far

    5. It’s better than nothing. And I mean that sincerely. If your choices are that, or be like 95% of bike owners and do nothing, then that all day long

    6. I’ve tried most commercial brands and finally found a product named: Dasty power degreaser. Costs 4,69€ in Belgium ( WIBRA stores, these are dutch low-cost stores). I unlink my chain, put it in this product for like 30 minutes, rub it in with with a paint-brush and rinse with water for a few seconds afterwards. Absolutely the best product i’ve ever used. Afterwards I use lube Squirt to wax my chain again. So Dasty removes oil/wax.


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