I travelled as far south as I could to avoid the rain that was tracking across the north through Sunday. Telford forecast was a dry day and with the baking hot sunshine the day prior I thought the trails would be in mint condition and had t not started raining when I arrived they probably would have been

    Was a bit frustrating because this is not really the place to be in the rain and the trails get slick, very slick. With the conditions and the slippery nature of just about everything, reckon I did quite well but I’ll let you be the judge of that

    Rode a fresh cut trail which was very good as the loam soaked up most of the moisture

    Apologies for the occassional mud and water on the lens but there was not a lot I could do about it other than try to remeber to give it a wipe quite often 🤷‍♂️


    1. It's fun watching trails I recognise (except for that new one), puts it into perspective when you know how steep it really is! Some good riding especially with no-one with you to help pick up the pieces!

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