1. one thing I have learned…If you think its your bottem bracket, its prob not your bottom bracket…When is the last time. you replaced The Chain, Cassette, Sprockets?

    2. Seat post or pedal bearings are gone or have sand in them. These should be the easiest to check.

      First ride out of the saddle. If the noise stops then you know it’s the seat post – usually it’s the clamp. Lubricating (a drop is usually sufficient) the bolt and or the seat post itself (on carbon use a carbon safe lube or carbon mounting paste) will solve it.

      If the noise persists, pedal with one foot at a time. If one side doesn’t click or the sound is less it’s your pedals. You may need to replace or service them (if that is possible).

      If it’s none of these things you’ll have to investigate further. Don’t bother with the bottom bracket until you have reasonably ruled out other causes.

    3. Competitive-Tank4182 on

      I have my bike in the shop RN for a very similar sound, when the bike tech took.it he showed me my back wheel was a little loose. He said it’s likely not the bottom bracket and probably the wheel.

      But as others have said start at one end and work your way down or take it to a shop.

    4. I had a VERY similar noise happening and it turned out to be the cassette.

      The rivets holding the middle section came loose and there was a lot of play when it should’ve been one solid piece.

      Took me a long time to figure it out. It was maddening.

    5. For me, it was a loose bottom bracket.

      If you want to trouble shoot on your own, swap out your pedals if you have a set AND lube your chain.

    6. Ok_Reflection_3118 on

      I believe it’s your rear derailer casing your bottom bracket to click. Try adjusting the derailer, it worked for me

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